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BSSD policy regarding Coronavirus and Illness

BSSD Illness Policy, Studio Hygiene Update and Parent Watching Week Request

In the wake of the coronavirus situation, we have received many questions from parents on what to do in regards to illness and class attendance and studio hygiene. As well, what to know about parent watching week. To help alleviate these concerns and answer questions, we wanted to remind parents and dancers of our Illness Policy that has been published in the winter newsletters and advise you on changes we are making to Studio Hygiene.

BSSD Illness Policy

Please do not send your child if they have the following symptoms:

• Acute onset of respiratory illness

• A fever >38C

• A persistent cough

If your student will miss class due to illness in relation to any of the above symptoms, please send an email to: or through the BSSD Class Absences link on the website home page at and we will let their teacher know.

If a dancer has a sore throat / runny nose, please use your best judgment in making a decision to attend class or not. As a temporary measure/adjustment to our policy, if you are not sure, then please defer to not sending your child.

This is the most important step in helping to limit the spread of influenza and other respiratory infections and viruses such as coronavirus.

For those students taking competition classes, absences for these types of illnesses that are deemed to be contagious do not count towards their 1 missed class as per their contract. Attendance is required for non-contagious issues such as stubbed toes, menstrual cramps, sprain or strain, broken bone, if advised by a physician or physical therapist to limit your movements etc…

Studio Hygiene

Based on information from Alberta Health Services, Health Canada and the World Health Organization, the best hygiene practices to minimize the risk of spreading illnesses comes from implementing the following healthy practices to:

  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds; ensuring you get in between your fingers

  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes with hands

  • If you are experiencing any flu like symptoms as listed above to stay home from work, school or other community gatherings

  • Minimize/avoid being in contact with others who are ill around you

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that are used often and share by everyone in your home.

  • Clean and disinfect your cell phone.

Therefore, we strongly encourage our dancers, parents and teachers to:

  • Wash hands before class or use hand sanitizer prior to class.

At present, each Studio has a small supply of hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is hard to come by, so we encourage you to send it to class with your dancer to assist with the current shortage or to encourage hand washing. Please note that if using hand sanitizer, hands should be washed after every 3 to 5 uses of hand sanitizer. We are working with the City to see if they move one of the hand sanitizer stations at the front reception on the main floor of the CCBCC to the second floor. We will keep you posted.

Equipment, Barres, and Props

Teachers will be asking students to assist in wiping down:

  • the barres in the Studio’s between classes.

  • any equipment and/or props used in class (i.e. exercise balls, theraband, yoga blocks, acro mats, etc.. )

We have provided each classroom with anti-bacterial spray and cloths.

Teachers will limit the use of props where possible.

Additional Steps We Need Your Assistance With

We encourage you to remind your dancer to:

  • Use Kleenex/tissues supplied in the Studios as needed.

  • Cough into their arm versus hand. If they cough in class into their hand to please use a tissue/Kleenex to open the Studio door with it and wash their hands in the bathroom.

  • Refrain from shaking hands or hugging.

  • Not to share drinks or food with other dancers.

  • Refrain from touching the mirrors in the Studios.

  • Leave their cell phone in their dance bag and bring their dance bag into the Studio. As a temporary measure, they will not be asked to put their cell phone in the cell phone bin.

Returning from Travel Out of the Country

If your family has recently travelled to Iran, China or Hubei, we ask that you please self isolate for 14 days as per Health Canada even if you are feeling well. i.e. not go to school, work, or social gatherings. If symptoms develop, please call Health Link at 811.

As well if your family or anyone in your household has returned from any other parts of mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea or Italy in the past 14 days, please monitor your symptoms such as a fever or cough and contact Health Link at 811.

Parent Watching Week and/or Costume Fitting Day

We ask that you and your dancer refrain from attending parent watching week or costume fitting day if you are experiencing any flu like symptoms or those described above and/or if you have travelled to one of the above countries as listed above. Alternate arrangements will be made for your dancer regarding costume-fitting day.

Helpful Links

  • Coronavirus Disease Advice for the Public – World Health Organization

  • COVID-19 Coronavirus info for Albertans

  • Government of Canada Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update

  • Government of Canada Travel Advisories

  • Alberta Health Services

At present, the health risk of Coronavirus is low risk. The best thing we can do is stay fit and healthy by exercising, getting rest, making informed decisions, implementing more regular hand washing, and going to reliable sources for information such as Alberta Health Services.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please email

Thank you for your assistance.

Julia P. Reid

President BSSD

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