All registration has now moved online. If you are new to our studio and would like to register please contact our registrar at registrar@beaumontdance.com. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about registering for the 2024-2025 season.
Uniform Requirements
Uniform requirements for the 2024/25 season can be downloaded HERE
Our DRAFT Master Schedule for 2024-2025 is now available HERE. Please note it is subject to change and will be finalized in August based on active registrations.
Registration for Competition Members
Competition Invitations:
2024-2025 Competition Invitations have been issued. Invitations have been sent via email to those dancers invited to participate in the various competition groups that have been identified for next season. Note: Performing invitations are at the sole discretion of the teacher(s) of each discipline and the Artistic Director. For more information, please see the Question and Answer page, as well as, the course descriptions.
Solo/Duo/Trio Requests:
The deadline to submit a request for a solo, duo or trio for the 2024-2025 season has passed and the process is now complete.
If you have any questions regarding these requests, please email bssdpresident@beaumontdance.com
Refund Policy
Withdrawal Deadline: Canadian Thanksgiving in October. Registration fee ($40.00) is NOT refundable.
Refunds for any reason are only available up to and including the weekend of Canadian Thanksgiving in October. Refunds will be pro-rated on $20 per hour of instruction as of date of notification. Costume fees will be refunded to students who withdraw before the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend deadline for 2023. There are NO REFUNDS after Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend.
Please note: If you pay your yearly fees though our monthly payment plan (4 or 8 month) and you withdraw after the deadline, the remainder of your monthly fees WILL still be charged.
The Society establishes its budget based on registration fees, and offering refunds after the deadline jeopardizes the successful operation of the Society for the remaining dancers.
Please contact registrar@beaumontdance.com for withdrawals. Thank you.